Conferences and CFP ‘s
Register, login to and select open CFPs only radio button option in the Event DIrectory tab to know about conferences with open CFPs
EclipseCon Europe 2019 CFP closes on July 15th 2019.
Tech Con ’19 CFP closes on July 10th 2019.
CAST 2019
CAST 2019 – Mining for Tests
12 – 15 August, 2019
Cocoa Beach, FL
conTEST NYC 2019
Date and Venue: November 20th-22nd, New York, NY USA
Proposal Submission deadline: April 20th, 2019

ConTEST NYC is the international conference that explores the role of software quality and testing in the context of the modern world.
We are looking for presentations and workshops on following topics:
- Latest IT trends and technologies
- Modern Quality Engineering practices
- Innovative techniques in software testing
- The testing of emergent and newest technologies (case studies)
- Team player and leadership skills
- Testing role in XP, Agile, DevOps
- Hot test tools and methodologies
- Mastering Software Testing expertise
- Working in cross functional teams
- Self motivation and influencing skills
- Career development opportunities
- Effective communication and team building techniques
- Leading and influencing whole team quality
- Coaching testing, facilitation techniques
- Understanding and navigating through new organizational processes such as Agile, Lean/Kanban, DevOps (new skills, disciplines and attitudes needed, etc.)
- Managing and leading testing and quality processes
- Games and interactive sessions to teach any of the above
Practical experience over generic statements is preferred. Exercises and hands-on techniques are highly encouraged.
Submit your proposal for Test Masters Academy conferences HERE
Women Who Test is a full-day event on Friday, May 3 for women to network with other women who work in software testing. It is also a day to learn from and be inspired by each other. The program will cover testing topics and will support women’s personal and career journeys and include content like: reengineering your life, growing your personal brand, setting goals, discovering your career superpowers, and how to problem-solve when you are a female in the tech industry where your gender is out numbered 7:3.
EuroSTAR 2019
EuroSTAR Conference 2019 Submit to Speak
November 11-14 in Prague.
Submissions Closing – Monday 4th February this year’s theme is ‘Working Well’
ISSTA 2019
Mon 15 – Fri 19, July 2019 Beijing, China
Mon 28 Jan 2019 – Paper Submission
Call for speakers is open until January 30th, 2019.

Date: April 05, 2019, Start time: 17:30, Venue: Mount Maunganui Lifeguard Centre
Agile Testing Days USA 2019 Call for Papers. The CFP is open until November 18th, 2018
The call for papers is open until November 18, 2018 and the conference takes place May 29 – 31, 2019.
UKSTAR 2019 – A EuroSTAR Software Testing Conference
11 – 12 MARCH, 2019, LONDON
Program and Schedule
Explore & Learn
- 6 ” Deep Dive” track sessions which take a practical approach to learning about testing.
- 4 Keynotes delivered by expert speakers.
- 3 Programme Chairs with the perfect mix of youth and experience.
- An array of track talks on a variety of testing topics
- Tons of networking sessions in the Huddle and general conference areas.